Choosing Between Native and Hybrid App Development

Quick Summary: So you have this amazing app idea bouncing around in your head, but you’re stuck on one crucial question: What kind of app should you actually build?

There are two main options: native apps and hybrid apps. Think of them as choosing between a custom-built race car and a super-tricked-out go-kart. Both can be awesome, but they have their strengths and weaknesses.

In this blog, we’ll explain the key differences between native and hybrid apps using easy-to-understand language. We’ll explore the benefits of each, the potential drawbacks, and help you decide which path will lead your app to success.

What is a Native App?

A mobile app developed specifically for a particular mobile app is a native mobile app. The native mobile app will have a different coding for iOS and a different coding for Android. The Android app is developed with Android coding, and thus, it won’t work for an iOS app. Examples of popular Native apps are Twitter, WhatsApp, Spotify, etc. 

Thus, they will have specific designs and features for each platform. The app uses all the core APIs, UI, and other components of the operating system, benefiting in many ways.

Advantages of Native Apps

Faster Performance

The app will respond to user actions quickly. Android and iOS have their SDKs, interface elements, and development tools. Thus, it becomes easier for native apps to access a user’s phone’s built-in components.

Native Design

Since the app uses the core UI or design components of the operating system (Android, iOS), the design is intuitive and user-friendly. Users can easily find the features and navigate from one feature to another.

Easy Access

The native apps can easily access the built-in components of the user’s phone as they share the same technology, such as the Calendar, camera, GPS, etc.

Reliable performance

All the content and visual elements are already loaded. The app does not need to send the request to the server to fetch the elements. Thus, it helps increase performance rapidly, making native apps more reliable and responsive.

Enhanced user experience

Native apps strictly follow the operating system’s guidelines and standards, such as controls, interactions, visuals, etc. Thus, users get the native feeling, enhancing the app’s experience.

Offline Access

Native apps store all data on a local server. Thus, they enable users to access the app even in offline mode or without an internet connection.

Better security

Native apps have the security of many layers of an operating system. Their security does not depend on a browser or third-party system.

Disadvantages of Native Apps

Expensive and time-consuming development

Native apps are expensive to develop as they need different codes for each operating system—Android and iOS. Thus, entrepreneurs must hire dedicated developers for each platform. Hiring two separate development teams increases the upfront cost by manifolds. 

It becomes a challenge for startups or small-scale business owners to invest a huge amount initially.

Higher Maintenance

The two apps for iOS and Android have different codes and a special team to write and manage the codes. Every app requires timely updates and version upgrades. For instance, if you want to add new features to the app, you need both teams to work on each app separately. Thus, it increases the maintenance cost drastically. It may account for about 15 to 20% of the development budget of a mobile app.

Time-Consuming Development

Native apps require developers to code separately for each operating system, which doubles the time required. Developers need 18 weeks to develop a native mobile app.

What is a Hybrid App?

In Hybrid app development, developers use a single code across all platforms. They do not use different codes for iOS and Android. Thus, hybrid apps take less time to develop and cost much less, too, as there is no need for a separate team of coders and developers to write the codes for different operating systems. 

Hybrid apps are written with technologies like JavaScript, HTML5, React, Ionic, Flutter, etc. Hybrid apps use a part native and a part web technology. Thus, users can also download and use them from app stores on the web. 

Examples of Hybrid Apps are – Instagram, Netflix, Uber, Amazon, Gmail, etc.

Advantages of Hybrid App Development

Wider User Base with Hybrid App Development

With hybrid mobile app development, business owners can launch their apps on multiple devices using a single codebase. It means they can target a larger user base or reach out to the users of both iOS and Android platforms. Since they can serve more users, their profits multiply manifold too.

Faster Time-to-Market

Hybrid app development enables business owners to enter the market soon. A single code and a single development team are required to develop the apps for both platforms. Thus, the developers can build both apps simultaneously. Moreover, a single code works for all platforms; less time goes into QA and testing.

So, it leads to quicker development with a faster time to market.

Less Expensive to Build and Maintain

Programmers develop hybrid apps using simple technologies like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Native apps require specific SDK, UI, and operating system components, which makes them expensive to develop and maintain. 

However, hybrid apps use the same technology for iOS and Android, making them less expensive and easier for programmers to develop and maintain.


Hybrid apps are easily scalable as they use simple technologies. A single or similar technology is used for each platform, so it requires less effort for coders and programmers to scale it. The required changes to scale the app are easily made.

Easy Updates

Apps require constant updates to fix bugs or adapt to the latest technologies. Hybrid apps do not require approvals for updates from the app stores. Developers can make the required changes, and they are shown on the apps immediately. 

Whereas, for native apps, developers need to get approvals for updates. It takes a few days to get the approval. Once the updates are approved, then only they are shown on apps.

Offline Access

Hybrid apps store the API with the app data, making it quick and easy to access. Thus, users can access the apps’ data offline or with a low internet connection.

Disadvantages of Hybrid App Development

Lack the Native Feel

Hybrid apps use the same code and technology for iOS and Android. They do not use the native SDK and visual elements of the operating system. Thus, hybrid apps fail to serve their users with the native experience.

However, with the latest technologies, the performance and design of hybrid apps have improved positively. Yet, the native has no match.

Native App Development Technologies

For iOS, the developers use Swift or Objective C and for Android- Java or Kotlin.

Android Technology Stack in 2024

  • To build Native Android applications, the open source programming languages- Java and Kotlin are used. 
  • Java has a rich set of libraries that developers use to build scalable and complex applications.  
  • Programmers prefer Kotlin to build more flexible apps. 
  • Android operating system offers Android Studio, Android SDK, and Android Developer Tools.

iOS Technology Stack in 2024- Swift and Xcode


Swift is an advanced, powerful programming language that offers rich features and dynamic performance for native iOS app development. The development toolkit to create native iOS apps is Apple Xcode and iOS SDK.


The Xcode software package is an open-source development model. It includes Cocoa Touch and Cocoa frameworks with a compiler, builds a system, and a text editor. 

Since Xcode has its compiler and text editor, it lets developers compile, debug, and deploy the apps straight to the app stores.

Technologies For Hybrid App Development


Developers prefer the React Native framework to develop web and hybrid apps with beautiful frontends. React Native developers can use the library for iOS, Android, and web platforms. It helps in creating appealing and intuitive UI with quick responses.


The open-source SDK Ionic is used to build hybrid apps with rich frontends and UI components. It is fully compatible with JavaScript libraries like Angular, React, and Vue.


Developers use Xamarin, the open-source .NET platform, to build high-performing cross-platform mobile applications. Xamarin works on C# and is compatible with many mobile platforms. It also offers platform-specific libraries to enable developers to access the APIs of Google, Apple, etc.

Choose the Best Tech Stack for Mobile App Development

It is often tough to decide whether to go for Native or Hybrid app development. Thus, to help you make a better decision, we have listed the key differences between native and hybrid app development. Further, we have listed factors you can consider before making a choice.

Factors to Consider to choose the best tech stack for mobile app development

App Development Budget

The budget is the primary factor affecting the decision between Native and hybrid app development. The cost of building an app greatly affects the choice. 

If you are running on a low budget or don’t want to risk a huge investment as a startup, you must go for Hybrid app development. Since hybrid apps require a single code thus, they can be developed at a low budget. Further, the maintenance of hybrid apps is also low.

The Type of App

The type and purpose of the app also play a crucial role in choosing between Native and hybrid apps. If you plan to build a gaming app or an app requiring handling a heavy load, native apps are the best choice. 

Since native apps use the native SDK and technologies, they are much more responsive and offer faster performance. Secondly, native apps offer a native design and feel, giving users a friendly experience.

App Security

Want to build a high-security app? Native apps are the best choice. They offer multiple layers of security in their SDK.

User Experience

Native apps run specifically for the particular operating system. They offer higher frames per second(FPS) rates and thus offer exclusive user interface design and experience. Hybrid apps cannot beat the experience that native apps offer.

Deploying Methods

The users can download native apps only from the specific app store. For instance, Android apps from Google Play Store and iOS apps from Apple Store. Similarly, they can update apps only through the specific app store. 

Userstall Hybrid apps from app stores, play stores, or web apps.

Apps Compatibility

Native apps are highly compatible with the device hardware as they use the same SDK and technologies of the particular operating system. They can easily access the devices’ built-in features and offer speedy performance. 

Hybrid apps face challenges connecting or accessing a particular device’s built-in features.

Application Version Issues

In Native Apps, developers must manage the app updates and version upgrades for different users. 

In contrast, in hybrid apps, app updates are universal. As soon as the developers upgrade a version, it is updated in the stores, and users can easily use the updated app.

Scalability of Application

Every business owner aims to expand. They also need mobile apps that can scale to support their growing needs. 

Native apps are more flexible and compatible with scaling compared to Hybrid apps. Native apps operate on the operating system’s core components. Thus, it is easier for developers to upgrade them for future needs. Hybrid app limitations when it comes to scalability.

Development Process and Time

Native apps require more building time as each operating system needs a different code. At the same time, hybrid apps can work on a single code for each operating system. Thus, it reduced development time. 

So, if you want to develop a mobile app quickly, you can go for hybrid app development.


Third-party integrations are easy and seamless with native apps. The apps have the core technologies of the app operating system. For instance, integrating Google Voice assistance or Siri. 

On the contrary, integrations are difficult in hybrid apps as they use web technologies.

What are some Popular Native Applications?


WhatsApp is the most popular messaging and chat app. It is developed separately for iOS and Android and has 2 billion monthly active users. Since the app is native, it offers high performance and higher security. All messages exchanged on WhatsApp are end-to-end encrypted and secured.


One of the most popular music streaming apps, Spotify, is an excellent example of a native app. It is installed on every other music lover. The app allows users to stream music online and download it for offline listening. Users can also access some music in offline mode.

Magento 2 POS

Magento 2 POS (Point of Sale) is a classic example of a React Native application. The app enables business owners to manage multiple physical stores through a single app. It offers a friendly interface experience, and users can access it on their Android and iOS devices.

Pokemon Go

The AR-based mobile game Pokemon Go is one of the most popular games in the app stores. The game has been downloaded over 1 billion times and named “Best Mobile Game” by the Game Developers Choice Awards. It is also awarded as the “Best App of the Year” by TechCrunch.

The game lets users explore the world while catching the Pokemon that jumps worldwide, encouraging people to travel worldwide.


The GPS navigation app allows users to navigate places easily with guidance on directions. Users can view route details, directions, travel time, and more. The app is free to use and offers a great user experience.


The Elon Musk-owned automotive and clean energy company offers its users a native app. The Tesla smartphone application allows its users to operate their vehicles remotely. 

They can track how fast their car charges and when it starts and stops. The app’s game-like interface design makes it a delightful user experience.

What are some Popular Hybrid Applications?


Earlier, Instagram was developed purely as a Native app. When Facebook acquired It, it was redeveloped as a hybrid app. Instagram grew massively popular, and thus, people wanted to access It on the web, too. Thus, Instagram was rewritten in React Native to be a hybrid.


The BMW app is developed using Flutter, Google’s cross-platform framework. Similar to Instagram, BMW was originally developed natively for iOS and Android. However, developers later added all the features in a single hybrid BMW app.


Twitter has over 200 million users each day and had performance issues earlier. Then, the developers switched the native app to a hybrid app. The app was free of bugs and performance issues. 

It is a great example of a successful hybrid app. The app can handle massive traffic efficiently. It is quick and smooth, and further, it saves app data usage up to 40%.


Gmail is one of the most used apps for sending emails. Millions of people download it for efficient mail service. The hybrid app can be accessed on the web and mobile. 

The app offers a simple interface and friendly features, making the users’ overall experience effortless.


1. Can hybrid apps work without internet connectivity?

Yes. Hybrid applications allow seamless access to the app data when the internet connection is not there. The app data updates automatically when you are online again.

2. What are the benefits of hybrid app development?

Hybrid apps are less expensive to develop. They require only a single code for all operating systems or platforms. Secondly, their maintenance is also less costly. They require less time to develop and thus can be launched quickly in the market.

3. Why are native apps so popular?

Native apps offer many benefits for businesses. They offer a great user experience to the app users. Further, they are highly secure and easily scalable. They also run offline mode and support heavy traffic, animation, etc.


We hope it will be easier for you to choose between Native app development and hybrid app development. Both development technologies have advantages and disadvantages, and they serve different purposes and goals.

Native app development will suit those on a good budget who want to serve their customers with highly secured and excellent user experiences—for instance, games.

On the other hand, if you want to reach multiple platforms on a lower budget, hybrid app development can be the perfect choice. Users can access hybrid apps on the web and install them as mobile apps. The apps run quickly and do not require approvals for updates.

You can contact us if you need help deciding. Valuetree is a top custom mobile app development company in India. We have been helping entrepreneurs make the right decision and develop native or hybrid apps. Contact us at +1 (312) 380-0911 or send an email on to book a free consultation with our technical experts.

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