Custom Mobile App Development Company

200+ Professional IT Experts
$15 Million Media Spend Managed
1,000+ Global clients

We are rated 4.5 out of 5 on average across 80 reviews


We are rated 4.5 out of 5 on average across 80 reviews


We are rated 4.5 out of 5 on average across 80 reviews

Trusted Mobile Application Development Company

150+ Innovative Apps
10+ Years of Experience
75% Verified & 5-star Reviews
300+ Successful Mobile Apps

Custom Mobile App Development Services We Offer

iOS Apps Development

We create apps for all iOS devices- iPhone to iPad. Further, our iOS app developers hold expertise in creating wearable apps too.

Android Apps Development

We create custom android apps for smartphones, tablets, Android Watch, and Android TV.

Flutter Apps Development

The certified Flutter developers at Valuetree create native and cross-platform apps using Flutter.

Blockchain Development

Game Development

IoT & Embedded

Mobile App Development Process

Analyze Client Needs
The customized apps we develop are tailored to your needs. So, the first thing we do is to know what you need. It forms the basis of our app plan, design, and layout.
Wireframes & Prototype
We create a blueprint of what the app will look like once developed. After discussing the changes and finalizing the wireframes and prototypes, we move to the design and development phase.
UI/UX Design
We create UI/UX designs that catch millions of eyes and revenue for your business. We ensure your users have a pleasing experience navigating app features.
The team divides the complex app development process into microservices. It helps us deliver quality projects on time while following the best coding practices.
QA & Deploy
The Quality assurance engineers review the codes before release. We perform manual and automated testing to detect bugs, memory or file leaks, or other security issues.
Post-Launch Support
We do not leave our clients alone when they take their business off the ground. They always have our back for technical issues or to solve any doubts regarding the app.

Industries We Serve

The experience of our mobile app development team spans many technologies and years. Thus, it helps us serve many industries, not one.










Answering the most common mobile app development queries every entrepreneur asks and wants an answer to.

The Mobile App developers at Valuetree hold an experience of 5-7 years. They have ample experience working with all the latest technologies and libraries. You can hire the best Mobile app engineers to work on your projects.

Valuetree has qualified mobile app developers who rank among the best in the industry. Further, our mobile app experts use clean and secure codes and keep you updated with regular reports. What’s more? We never fail to deliver our projects on time. You can hire our mobile app coders at flexible rates and hiring models. We refrain from hidden costs.

If you have any questions about your mobile app development status, you can get in touch with the project manager. To keep you informed about the app’s development, our project manager provides you updates regularly via Basecamp. Please reach out whenever you like. We are always willing and prepared to assist.

Yes, of course. We provide complete support to our clients, from app ideas validating, designing, developing, and deploying. You can rely on our skills while cheering the successful launch of your application. Further, you have our back after the launch too.

We provide three pricing & hiring models:

  • Dedicated Developer – Monthly basis.
  • Hourly Basis – Hours/ Month.
  • Dedicated Team – Monthly basis.

For hire, you can share your hiring needs with our team. Our team will get back to you with a detailed estimation of your project, time, and cost.

We work with clients from many countries as a top mobile app development company. So, we come up with the closest time for our mobile app coders to work that suits our clients.

How long will it take to develop a mobile application? The business development experts will discuss your app ideas. Then, calculate the exact time to develop and deliver your mobile app services. Call or send us a message to know the same details.

Benefits To Choose Valuetree - As Mobile App Development Partner

At Valuetree, we are hardwired to deliver quality mobile app solutions with perfection. Our commitment to excellence and do-it-now attitude make it possible each time. In doing so, we are helping our clients unlock new business opportunities.
Agile Development
Bug-Free Launch
Time-Bound Delivery
Qualified Team
Transparent Costs