Managed IT Services

200+ Professional IT Experts
$15 Million Media Spend Managed
1,000+ Global clients

We are rated 4.5 out of 5 on average across 80 reviews


We are rated 4.5 out of 5 on average across 80 reviews


We are rated 4.5 out of 5 on average across 80 reviews

360-degree expert IT Services. Strategic
Business Grow

Flexible Models
24/7 IT Support
Cost Saving
Stable IT

IT Strategy Consulting Services

Develop a winning IT strategy and development roadmap for your business. Valuetree helps you build the right products at reduced risks with our proven IT consulting services. Race ahead in the competition with your trusted IT Strategy Consulting Company.

  • Study errors and loopholes
  • Evaluate current technological trends
  • Create achievable IT Strategy
  • Bring operational efficiency

IT Staffing Augmentation Services

Are you looking for talented professionals to fill the talent gap? Hire top IT experts, senior software developers, engineers, and QA Specialists with Valuetree. Extend your IT Staff to suit your project budget and needs.

  • Domain-specific talent
  • Best-in-market IT professionals for hire
  • High retention engagements
  • Guaranteed quality & Delivery 
  • Flexible resource hiring

IT Support & Maintenance

Valuetree offers IT Support and Maintenance Services to improve your business efficiency. The expert team of IT specialists at Valuetree is highly experienced at tracking errors. Get full-fledged IT Support and Maintenance services for any complex Operations with Valuetree.

  • 24/7 IT Monitoring
  • Immediate Issue Resolution
  • IT Infrastructure Management
  • Dedicated IT Specialists

Offshore Development Centre (ODC) Services

We are your reliable Offshore Development Centre for 360 degrees IT services. The talented IT experts at Valuetree develop high-quality software services for global clients. Get our offshore Development Services cost-effectively.

  • Offshore team of IT Specialists
  • Cost-effective Solutions
  • High-Quality Development
  • On-Time Deliveries

Digital Transformation

Innovate your business with our highly profitable Digital Transformation services. We are your Digital transformation company to update your digital strategy for the future. We help you gain a competitive advantage with improved customer satisfaction.

  • Digital Automation
  • Expert Digital Transformation Professionals
  • Modernize Digital Strategy
  • Guaranteed growth Results

Dedicated Team Outsourcing

We outsource upskilled and dedicated IT developers, engineers, designers, and Quality Analysts. We help you source and engage the right resources through our simplified hiring models. Hire a dedicated team today, flexibly and budget-friendly.

  • Dedicated Resources 
  • Global Top Talent
  • Flexible Model for Hire
  • Affordable Costs

Our Development Process



In-depth study of project needs and planning the roadmap.



Attractive designs to grab and retain customers.



Expert IT development based on  the latest technology.



Your best product launched to win the customers.


Managed IT services involve outsourcing an external Managed IT Services Provider to manage the IT operations of an organization. Managed services help companies offload general functions to an expert. Valuetree helps companies reduce costs, improve service quality, or free internal teams to work specific to your business.

Enterprises hire Managed IT Services to stay relevant to the evolving IT trends, increased competition, and on-demand customer demands. Our Managed IT Services help organizations evaluate and revamp their existing strategies, free up resources and focus on core business growth.

  • Expert IT Support
  • Lower Operational Costs
  • Improved Efficiency
  • Future-oriented IT Strategy

The cost of Managed IT services depends on the organization type, scale, and requirements. We do not charge hidden or sneaky fees.

Valuetree brings a decade of experience developing successful Custom software and mobile app development services. We expertly develop winning custom software mobile & web applications using the latest technologies for users across the globe. We help startups and enterprises choose the right technology stacks for digital success.