• Top-rated Professional Services
  • Best-in-Class Safety Measures
  • Online Bookings & Scheduling
  • Affordable Development

HandyMan App Development Solution

Do you want more customers to find your services for their daily home requirements easily? We offer custom home services app
development services for all types and sizes of service providers.

Home Service Startups

Taking your first big step into the on-demand home services app industry? Valuetree have your back.

Single Service Aggregators

Want to build an online handyman app for a single niche service? Get the trusted solutions for any niche you offer.

Multiple Service Aggregators

Offer multiple services for home needs? Get your very own Uber for handyman app with Valuetree.

On-Demand Handy Service App to your Advantage

Have you ever had a home leak and can’t find a single plumber? As a service provider, are you lacking enough customers? The custom on-demand handy service app bridges this gap and connects customers with the right service providers. With an Uber-like handyman app, users can find quick and affordable help at home. Service Providers can get an instant boost in their profits by reaching out to more customers when they need. Please have a look at the benefits of an online Uber for handy services app development.

  • Easy Job Scheduling
  • Wider Customer Reach
  • Less Paperwork
  • Business Growth
  • Better Branding

What We offer in Custom Handy Marketplace App?

Post-COVID, safety, and hygiene are the top concerns among people when they think of any home services. Home service providers can continue their business thanks to apps like Urban clap and TaskRabbit. If you want to create a handy marketplace app like Taskrabbit and Urbanclap, Valuetree can help you out. With over ten years in the industry and over 60+ developers, we always provide the results you desire.
  • Contemporary UI/UX
  • Top-class Quality
  • Maintenance & Support
  • Latest Technology Stack
  • Cost-effective & Scalable
Want to discuss your project more? Give us a call today and book a free consultation.

Key Features of Handy Marketplace App Solution

We deliver customized handyman app solutions with robust features to manage multiple services and customers on the app. We make sure that your customers can book any service on the go.

  • Explore Services

    Once the users register to the online handyman app, they can browse all the services listed on the app. They can check the profiles of various service providers and their ratings.

  • Book Services

    Customers can compare the services and prices of different service providers. They can also check any special discounts and book a preferred service by adding their address and other required details.

  • Schedule Services

    If a customer wants to book a service for a future date, they can add the date and time and schedule a service. They can also cancel a booked service using the handyman app.

  • In-app Payments

    The custom handyman app allows many payment modes for easy payments. Customers can choose one from the following- net banking, digital wallet, UPI payment, etc.

  • Real-time Status

    Users can track the current location of a handyman professional. It gives them an estimate how long it will take the professional to reach.Thus, they do not need to wait or call the professional many times.

  • Ratings & Reviews

    Users can rate a service professional on their services and provide their feedback, either positive or negative. They can add suggestions to improve their services too.

  • Easy Registration

    The service providers can register on the online handy service marketplace. They can complete details of their services and get higher chances of bookings by users.

  • Accept/Reject Requests

    The Service providers can accept a service request for booking or scheduling. They can reject a request, too, if they are busy or the request is from out of their service zone.

  • Manage Availability

    Service providers can set their status as available to accept new bookings. If their professionals are busy in other services, they can set the status as non available.

  • In-app Navigation

    Service providers can view directions to a customer location in the map and use GPS navigation. They can also check short or fewer traffic routes, landmarks, etc.

  • Service History

    Service providers can keep track of services they have offered. They can find them in the history section. Further, they can also check upcoming service bookings.

  • Reply To Reviews

    The service providers can check customer reviews and feedback. They can respond to them to create a better connection. Further, they can also resolve issues mentioned by users.

  • Manage Service Providers

    The admins can maintain a database of the service providers registered on the handy marketplace. They verify each provider before giving them access to the app.

  • Activate/ Deactivate

    The admin can manage the details of each service professional, including joining date, salaries, etc. They can activate new professionals and deactivate those who left.

  • Manage Users

    The admin can store details of each user, check their history on the app, and create and send personalized alerts and offers.

  • Manage Promotions

    Admins take up different activities to promote the app and increase customer conversions. For instance, promo codes, special discounts, ads, etc.

  • Analyze Performance

    Admins can study monthly or annual business performance. The detailed reports on booking confirmations and cancellations help track growth.

  • Manage Commissions

    Admins can set a commission rate for each provider and collect them via the handyman app. They can also vary commission rates as per need.

  • Explore Services

    Once the users register to the online handyman app, they can browse all the services listed on the app. They can check the profiles of various service providers and their ratings.

  • Book Services

    Customers can compare the services and prices of different service providers. They can also check any special discounts and book a preferred service by adding their address and other required details.

  • Schedule Services

    If a customer wants to book a service for a future date, they can add the date and time and schedule a service. They can also cancel a booked service using the handyman app.

  • In-app Payments

    The custom handyman app allows many payment modes for easy payments. Customers can choose one from the following- net banking, digital wallet, UPI payment, etc.

  • Real-time Status

    Users can track the current location of a handyman professional. It gives them an estimate how long it will take the professional to reach. Thus, they do not need to wait or call the professional many times.

  • Ratings & Reviews

    Users can rate a service professional on their services and provide their feedback, either positive or negative. They can add suggestions to improve their services too.

  • Easy Registration

    The service providers can register on the online handy service marketplace. They can complete details of their services and get higher chances of bookings by users.

  • Accept/Reject Requests

    The Service providers can accept a service request for booking or scheduling. They can reject a request, too, if they are busy or the request is from out of their service zone.

  • Manage Availability

    Service providers can set their status as available to accept new bookings. If their professionals are busy in other services, they can set the status as non available.

  • In-app Navigation

    Service providers can view directions to a customer location in the map and use GPS navigation. They can also check short or fewer traffic routes, landmarks, etc.

  • Service History

    Service providers can keep track of services they have offered via the app to each customer in the history section. They can also check upcoming service bookings.

  • Reply To Reviews

    The service providers can check customer reviews and reply to them directly to create a better connection. They can also resolve issues mentioned by users.

  • Manage Service Providers

    The admins can maintain a database of the service providers registered on the handy marketplace. They verify each provider before giving them access to the app.

  • Activate/ Deactivate

    The admin can manage the details of each service professional, including joining date, salaries, etc. They can activate new professionals and deactivate those who left.

  • Manage Users

    The admin can store details of each user, check their history on the app, and create and send personalized alerts and offers.

  • Manage Promotions

    Admins take up different activities to promote the app and increase customer conversions. For instance, promo codes, special discounts, ads, etc.

  • Analyze Performance

    The admin can study the business performance and growth for a month or a year. The detailed reports on booking confirmations, cancellations, etc., help track growth.

  • Manage Commissions

    Admins can set a commission rate for each provider and collect them via the handyman app. They can also vary commission rates as per need.

Futuristic Features

In-App Chat/Call

Users can chat with the service providers in real-time via in-app chat or call feature. They can ask any queries to resolve their doubts.

COVID Safety Measures

Service providers can mention they follow COVID safety guidelines. Their service professionals wear masks and gloves, sanitize hands frequently, etc.

Add Favorite

Customers can filter the handyman agencies they like into their favorites list. Next time a user books a service, the app will pop up that favorite provider.

Digital Invoice

Service providers can create digital invoices for their service offerings. They can send digital copies of invoices to users via the online handyman app.

Heat Map

Who doesn't want more customers? Service Providers can use heat maps to find the areas with the most service requests. They can focus more on those areas.

Number Masking

Number Masking helps users hide their numbers from service professionals. They can book a service or connect via in-app chat or call. Thus, it ensures higher security for users.

Ready for a Profitable Business?

Get an effective Handy services app development solution to run your on-demand service marketplace business smoothly.

Our Home Services App Development Process

Five tested steps of our online handy service app development process for assured success.


We study your business needs, demands of the market, and target customers.


We design the wireframes for your approval; once approved, create the prototype.


We build with the latest tools to match the highest standards and business goals.

QA & Testing

We eliminate all security glitches and errors for a smoother launch.


Launch on App Stores for success and users
to install.

Unique Solution. Many Use Cases

We build on-demand handy service marketplace apps for various home services you want to offer your customers. Lend your professional helping hand to your customers when and where they need it.

Handyman for Cleaning

Handyman for Painting

Handyman for Moving

Handyman for Repair

Handyman for Plumbing

Handyman for Carpentry

Handyman for Grooming

Pet Professionals

Handyman for Washing

Handyman for Catering

Baby Sitters

Pest Control Workers

Support & Integration

We build custom on-demand handy service app solutions that serve seamless bookings and payments. Thus, we support many languages and payment choices for users across different countries. Check the list of all options.
    • Countries
    • Payment Gateways
    • Languages
    • Countries

      USA (USD)

    • Payment Gateways

      Pay Pal

    • Languages


    • Countries

      UK (Pound)

    • Payment Gateways


    • Languages


    • Countries

      Australia (AUD)

    • Payment Gateways


    • Languages


    • Countries :

      France (FRF)

    • Payment Gateways


    • Languages


    • Countries

      Canada (CAD)

    • Payment Gateways

      Pay Pal

    • Languages


    • Countries

      India (INR)

    • Payment Gateways

      Razor pay

    • Languages


    • Countries

      Germany (DEM)

    • Payment Gateways

      Pay Pal

    • Languages



Are your doubts stopping you? Read the expert answers on the most common handy service marketplace app development queries.

Yes. Our on-demand handyman app solutions are scalable and grow with your growing business needs.

Yes. We offer custom online home services app solutions that support many local and foreign languages.

Yes. We create custom handy marketplace solutions for different niche businesses. If you provide all services in a single niche, we will customize the features for your service agency.

Yes, of course. We can create an online home services app like TaskRabbit and Urban clap.

Want to invest in the ever-demanding home
services business?

Build a custom handyman marketplace app with Valuetree for 10X higher returns.