• Tailored Features
  • Highly Responsive
  • 100% Secure

Freelancer App Development Services

We provide custom on-demand Freelancer Marketplace app development services to help our clients lead in the race and be ahead of their peers. We always base our solutions on the tailored needs of our clients.

Global Freelancer

Want to develop a global freelancer marketplace like Behance? Valuetree can help you lead the global market.

Local Freelance

Want to target the locally Freelancers? Develop a local online freelancer marketplace app solution like TikkTalk.

Commercial Freelancer

Want to create a niche-based solution? Let the designers or artists thrive and earn on your commercial Freelancer Marketplace.

Freelancer Marketplace Solution to your Advantage

With Freelancer marketplace websites and apps, it is easier for companies to find the missing talent in their in-house team and fill the void. They can find and hire skilled freelancers ready to take up their projects at hourly rates. Freelancers get a platform to showcase their skills and bring projects to gain experience or earn. See the benefits of an online freelancer marketplace:
  • Flexible Hiring
  • Cost Savings
  • Global Access to Talent
  • Easy Onboarding
  • No Long-Term Commitments

What We offer in Custom Freelancer Marketplace App?

With Valuetree, you can hire top-notch freelance marketplace developers worldwide. The coders ensure to customize the marketplace according to your business needs. Further, we take care of choosing the right tech stacks, designs, and features. As a top freelancer marketplace development company, we deliver the best results.
  • Vetted Developers
  • Secured Codes
  • No Hidden Costs
  • On-time Delivery
  • Top-tier Tech Stacks
Drop a line or connect with Valuetree for a free consultation and a quote.

Key Features of Online Freelancer Marketplace App

Develop custom Freelancer marketplace apps like Upwork and Fiverr with impressive UI designs and tailored features by hiring the best Freelancer app developers from Valuetree.
  • Browse Jobs

    After signing up on the Freelance app, freelancers can browse jobs or gigs available. They can also search for a gig or project based on their skills.

  • In-app Payments

    Freelancers can pay via freelancer app to buy premium subscriptions or buy more bids. The app supports many payment gateways, etc.

  • In-app Chat

    Freelancers can message or call clients using the in-app chat feature. They can discuss the project flow, payments, deadlines, and more.

  • History

    Freelancers can see their previous work done on the app. Further, they can find any missed detail in the chat history.

  • Push Notifications

    The freelancers can get updates about their gigs or projects. The custom freelancer marketplace app pushes alerts on new job postings, bid declines, etc.

  • Reviews & Ratings

    Freelancers can view the reviews by clients on their work. Positive feedback means a stronger profile and more clients will approach them.

  • Browse Freelancers

    Clients can browse Freelancers registered on the online freelancer marketplace like Upwork or Fiverr. They can shortlist and hire them based on skills.

  • Post a Project

    Clients can post a project based on their requirements and allow freelancers to bid on it. They can hire the Freelancer with the right skills .

  • Reviews & Ratings

    Clients can rate a freelancer based on their experience and project outcomes. They can share detailed feedback with other clients.

  • Mark as Favorite

    Based on their previous projects, they can mark the freelancers as Favorite with whom they had the best experience.

  • Milestone Wise Payments

    Clients can agree with freelancers for milestone-based payments. They can make part payments on the completion of each milestone.

  • Finance Dashboard

    Clients can manage their financial transactions and information on this dashboard. They can track previous payments done, pending payments, etc.

  • Manage Freelancers

    Admins can manage freelancer profiles, verify new profiles, alert inactive profiles, assign badges, and more.

  • Manage Clients

    It is easy for admins to manage client profiles and details, recommend credible clients, notify inactive profiles, and more.

  • Manage Jobs

    The admins manage and organize the jobs in various categories. Further, they can sort and filter jobs, set validity dates, and more.

  • Manage Commissions

    The freelancer app makes it easy for the admin to manage the commissions of several clients. Further, it is secure to get payments via freelancer app.

  • Manage Categories

    Admin has complete access to create, edit, merge or dissolve categories. For instance, writing services, developers, virtual assistants, and more.

  • Reports

    The admin analyzes the overall app proceedings and progresses with reports on performances, payouts, invoices, taxes, and more.

  • Browse Jobs

    Once the Freelancers register on the Freelancer marketplace app, they can browse jobs or gigs available. They can also search for a gig or project based on their skills.

  • In-app Payments

    Freelancers can make all their in-app payments to purchase premium subscriptions or buy additional bids. The custom freelancer marketplace app supports many payment gateways, like net banking, wallets, etc.

  • In-app Chat

    Freelancers can message clients or chat with them using the in-app chat feature. They can discuss the project flow, payments, deadlines, and more.

  • History

    The custom on-demand freelancer marketplace app shows all the previous works and gigs worked on by the Freelancer. They can also find any missed detail in the chat history.

  • Push Notifications

    The freelancers can get updates about their gigs or projects. The custom freelancer marketplace app pushes alerts on new job postings, bid declines, etc.

  • Reviews & Ratings

    Freelancers can view the reviews by clients on their work. Positive feedback strengthens their profile and motivates them to keep up the good work while they can improve their services based on negative feedback.

  • Browse Freelancers

    Clients can browse Freelancers registered on the online freelancer marketplace like Upwork or Fiverr. They can shortlist and hire them based on skills.

  • Post a Project

    Clients can post a project based on their requirements and allow freelancers to bid on it. They can hire the Freelancer with the right skills and apt bid.

  • Reviews & Ratings

    Clients can rate a freelancer based on their experience and project outcomes. They can share detailed feedback with other clients.

  • Mark as Favorite

    Based on their previous projects, they can mark the freelancers as Favorite with whom they had the best experience.

  • Milestone Wise Payments

    Clients can agree with freelancers for milestone-based payments. They can make part payments on the completion of each milestone.

  • Finance Dashboard

    Clients can manage their financial transactions and information on this dashboard. They can track previous payments done, pending payments, etc.

  • Manage Freelancers

    Admins can manage freelancer profiles, verify new profiles, alert inactive profiles, assign badges, and more.

  • Manage Clients

    It is easy for admins to manage client profiles and details, recommend credible clients, notify inactive profiles, and more.

  • Manage Jobs

    The admin manages and organizes the jobs in categories on the online freelancer marketplace app. The admin can sort and filter jobs, set validity dates, etc.

  • Manage Commissions

    The commission management dashboard on the freelancer app makes it easy for the admin to manage commissions of several clients and freelancers.

  • Manage Categories

    Admin has complete access to create, edit, merge or dissolve categories. For instance, writing services, developers, virtual assistants, and more.

  • Reports

    The admin analyzes the overall app proceedings and progresses with reports on performances, payouts, invoices, taxes, and more.

Futuristic Features

Escrow Commission

Providers pay the Escrow Commission percentage set by the admins for milestone payments to freelancers. Admins can manage escrow commissions easily.

Wallet Management

Freelancers and employers can deposit their money into digital wallets and withdraw for bidding or payments. They have to pay a commission to the admin to use the wallet.

Email Template Management

Admins can use the email templates to send messages. They can also customize the template to send personalized messages.

Social Media Integration

Freelancers can link their social handles on the app. Thus, employers can see their real profiles like Linkedin.

Dispute Management

Freelancers and employers can raise issues if any on the freelancer marketplace app. Admins can take charge and sort the issues.


The employers and freelancers can share documents in the workroom. For instance, wireframes, layouts, etc.

Ready for a Profitable Business?

Connect with Valuetree – the best Freelancer Marketplace App development company in India.

Our Freelancer Marketplace App Development Process

Five tested steps of our Telemedicine app development process for assured success.


We study your business needs, demands of the market, and target customers.


We design the wireframes for your approval; once approved, create the prototype.


We build with the latest tools to match the highest standards and business goals.

QA & Testing

We eliminate all security glitches and errors for a smoother launch.


Launch on App Stores for success and users
to install.

Unique Solution. Many Use Cases

Are you interested in other marketplace solutions? We offer a wide range of solutions for different business types and sizes. Check out some of our custom solutions.

Rental Marketplace App

NFT Marketplace App

E-Commerce Marketplace App

Handy Service Marketplace App

Support & Integration

We build custom on-demand Freelancer Marketplace solutions that serve seamless hiring. Thus, we support many languages and payment choices for users across different countries. Check the list of all options.
    • Countries
    • Payment Gateways
    • Languages
    • Countries

      USA (USD)

    • Payment Gateways

      Pay Pal

    • Languages


    • Countries

      UK (Pound)

    • Payment Gateways


    • Languages


    • Countries

      Australia (AUD)

    • Payment Gateways


    • Languages


    • Countries :

      France (FRF)

    • Payment Gateways


    • Languages


    • Countries

      Canada (CAD)

    • Payment Gateways

      Pay Pal

    • Languages


    • Countries

      India (INR)

    • Payment Gateways

      Razor pay

    • Languages


    • Countries

      Germany (DEM)

    • Payment Gateways

      Pay Pal

    • Languages



Are your doubts stopping you? Read the expert answers on the most common freelancer app development queries.

Yes, of course. We can create an online freelancer marketplace app like Fiverr, Upwork, and freelance.com.

Yes. Our Freelancer Marketplace app developers will help launch the app to app stores. We also offer post-launch support.

The answer is that the cost depends on many factors. The best way to find out is to chat with one of our experts. You can tell us your needs, and we will make building strategies. Our expert freelancer marketplace app developers will then be able to guide you in making the best choice.

No. We can integrate multiple languages into the freelancer marketplace app, including native languages.

Ready to build your Freelancer Marketplace App?

Let the talented Marketplace developers from Valuetree build your Freelancer
Marketplace talent pool.